Grant from Meta for Data Science Law Lab projectsNewsGrant from Meta for Data Science Law Lab projects

Grant from Meta for Data Science Law Lab projects

Data Science Law Lab (with Data Science for Social Impact research group) received a $50,000 donation from Meta to support our work on artificial intelligence development and governance in South Africa.

Says Dr Okorie, the Principal Investigator/Founder of Data Science Law Lab: “For me, the hallmark of lawyering be it from a research, policy or practice perspective is transdisciplinarity. It is beyond exciting to receive a grant that supports the work we are doing at the Data Science Law Lab! Collaborating with Prof Marivate’s Data Science for Social Impact allows us to leverage each other’s expertise and experiences in a way that truly transforms our research impact and outcomes”.

Working together with Data Science for Social Impact research group, Data Science Law Lab intends to organise policy hackathons, commission research papers and facilitate dialogues between academia, industry and government. The overarching aims are, inter alia, develop policy recommendations and solutions that support data access and data processing required in AI research, development and application based on an understanding of the unique and specific contexts (social, cultural, economic, etc.) of South Africa and to develop actionable and context-specific recommendations for private sector contributions in the development and governance of AI in South Africa.

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